Phill is available for keynote and workshop speaking opportunities for associations and other professional organizations. Below is a limited list of past presentations that can be adapted to your group’s specific needs.
Decision Making
A large part of leadership is making wise decisions. Individuals use multiple tools, tricks, and processes to come to the best decision based on current information. This session will examine what influence the decision process, uncover possible negative influencers and seek to help leaders make the best decision possible. Presentation Learning Objectives: Participants will understand factor that affects their ability to make unbias decision. Participants will review some of the science behind decision making.Participants will leave with new resources to implement in decision making.
The Current of Change: Adaptive Leaders
Organizations are perhaps in the midst of the most rapid period of change in history. Working in the center of this dissonance can be distressing and difficult. We will identify some of the significant currents that are driving these challenges and explore strategies to help navigate through the white waters of change.
Building a Strength Culture in Your Team
Staff teams who build a culture around strengths can meet the demanding challenges of leadership. This workshop will look at the history of the strength movement and how it is being used to help staff teams improve performance and increase engagement. Learn about the coaching model of leadership and how your team can optimize your team’s strengths.
Trust and Betrayal in Staff Teams
Trust and Betrayal.. church staffs that hum. A Watson Wyatt study showed that high-trust organizations out-performed low-trust organizations. This workshop will look at the critical issue of trust on the staff team. Why we need trust? What builds trust and what we do when betrayal occurs? Participants will learn the waves of trust and learn how to process betrayal in their life and their team. Come ready to participate and leave with a renewed sense of connection with your team.
This workshop works best as an extended session. Three hours is the minimum time I recommend. Whereas these concepts can be introduced it is clear that any serious level of understanding and interaction takes additional time. This workshop is a great event to encourage full staff participation.
Leadership: Principles and Strategies
Leadership in local congregations is critical. Leaders who build a culture around strengths are able to meet the demanding challenges of team competency. This workshop will look at the practical application of the strength movement and how it is being used to help staff teams improve performance and increase engagement. Learn about the coaching model of leadership, situational leadership and how leaders can optimize team strengths.
Staff performance, job descriptions, evaluation and development.
Leading staff is one of the most critical tasks for a successful organization. With most congregations spending significant dollars on staff compensation it is essential that team perform to the maximum. Does your staff have a clear understanding of their responsibility? When it’s time for staff evaluation is it a welcome part of the management of staff or a dreaded task? Has team discovered their unique strengths and had clearly defined a plan to grow? Are performance standards communicated?
This question-and-answer workshop offers answers to these questions. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the process of supporting staff and managing both an evaluation and development process.
Administration as Ministry
Is administration ministry? Some fear that to look at the church as a business diminishes the ministry of congregations. Some faith group shy from referring to administrative staff as a part of the ministry team. If you have ever questioned how and why administration is a vital part of the ministry of your congregation, then we hope you join us for this conversation. We will look at the spiritual gift and calling of administration. We will debunk the second class designation many places of the role of administrative staff. Bring your stories and calling with you to this session.
Setting Staff Compensation
Where do we find useful market information? Then, how do we create meaningful pay ranges? Should there be differences in how we compensate full-time staff compared to part-time staff? What can we do about the soaring cost of benefits?
This question-and-answer workshop offers answers to these questions. The Church Networks’s compensation survey program MinistryPay.com will be reviewed, and the presenter will demonstrate how to use data from this survey and other sources. Participants will leave with a full understanding of the survey data strategy and learn how to apply it in compensation planning.
360° Feedback
Empowering staff to minister at their highest level is a critical role of staff management. Every week, ministers may be told what they did and didn’t do correctly last week, but meaningful feedback is often missing. Ministers are left to filter through all the data that bombard them on a daily basis to develop a sense of self-awareness and to plan for personal and professional growth. The emerging use of 360 feedback tools with church staff is an exciting sign that church administrative leaders are learning strength-based leadership. To accomplish the goal of highly effective staff performance, honest feedback from a full spectrum of the minister’s professional community is needed. This workshop will examine the who, how and when of the 360 process, as well as point you to multiple resources to accomplish the task. Emphasis will be given to Prism 360® Tool, a TCN resource. Participants are encouraged to bring personal experiences with the process to include in the discussion.
“Generosity As an Economic Strategy”
Congregational economics are affected by the current financial environments. This seminar will focus on the message(s) that Christian leaders should give to their congregations in the current economic climate. How generosity can sustain us in a new world economic reality. A general review of national church economic data will be given as well as group dialogue about the current conditions in the participant congregations. You will leave the session with effective actions that develop congregational generosity.
Social Media and Congregations
Chances are your church is using social media whether you know it or not. This workshop will look at the issues around social media and the church from an administrative leader’s perspective. Participants will have an opportunity to look at a number of sites and options for church’s as well as share with each other what is happening in their own social media world and congregations. Come prepared to hear and tell stories about this new frontier for congregations. Explore policies and potential liabilities to ministry.
Social sites that will be covered include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Flickr, as examples of sites being used.
Trends in Church Administration
Some say the Christian church has lost its place in the world. Because of the global economy and technological advances, others see this era as the greatest opportunity for outreach and ministry. Together we will look at trends and drivers that affect the daily work of church staff. Come explore how your congregation is responding to these trends and what might be the source of some of the confusion we all feel as we communicate the message of our ministry.